BASIQs is for Coaches
Develop Game-IQ
in your Youth Athletes
With our Coaches’ Console, you can:
Easily create and send Games for your real-world Athletes to play on their smartphones (in our free Athletes’ App). Games can be used for many purposes, including reinforcement of your real-world practices, reviews of plays that went right (or wrong!) in real-world game situations, etc.
Focus your Game questions on subject matter like:
- Defensive Situations – with built-in animation
- Base-running Situations – with built-in animation
- General knowledge – categorized and can link to video or other external content
- Scouting – categorized and can link to video or other external content
Do so with minimal demands on your time – no user list administration, no invitations – just easy, elegant creation and management of whatever content you want to teach or reinforce with your athletes
BASIQs is for Athletes
Interact with your Coaches
& Teammates in our cool and fun (and free!) app
With our free Athletes’ App, you can:
- Check your knowledge of 7,000+ Defensive Situations (content included in the free app)
- Play Custom Games created by your real-world Coaches
- Challenge your real-world teammates to play Games you have played… and track your status on the Leaderboard
Demo what it’s like when Coaches and Athletes connect!
If you would like to experience the Coach/Athlete connection in BASIQs, complete the form below, and we will send you a Demo Team Code.
- Get the free Athlete’s app now (Note the 7,000+ Defensive Situations you can play in the free app!)
- Provide your name and email below
- We will email you a Demo Team Code
- Enter the Demo Team Code in the Athlete’s App and play some demo Custom Games associated with that Demo Team

Customize Situations & Strategies for Your Team
As a coach, league director or private instructor, we give you a quick, easy-to-use interface for creating and sending content to the App on your players’ smartphones. Some of the best uses we’re seeing for this include:
An animated interface to show what a Player should do in the thousands of defensive and base-running situations.
Reinforce what a team did well and highlight what a team did not do well just after a game.
Key reminders about specific, upcoming opponents
Teach and reinforce various rules of the game… both age-specific rules (lead-offs, stealing, etc) and more complicated rules like Infield-Fly-Rule, etc.
For general inquiries or requests for more information, please email info@BASIQs.com or complete the form below.